Wednesday, February 22, 2012

BZZAgent Campaign: Philips Skin Perfect Epilator

Ok....So I was sent and campaign invitation to join a REALLY AWESOME CAMPAIGN!!...Yay! This is my first BzzAgent Campaign that will actually involve a product. The product I will be receiving to evaluate and give my honest thoughts, and review on is, Philips Satin Perfect Epilator. I am so stoked to be receiving this product. I for one have VERY VERY VERY Sensitive skin, and shaving just doesn't cut it for me. I get razor burn, and itch everywhere, and my hair grows back rather fast, and to put it truthfully, it's just a pain in the A$$. I will keep this blog updated on the regular to share my thoughts and opinions on this product/campaign.
**BzzAgent provided me a Philips Skin Perfect Epilator as part of a Campaign in exchange for providing my honest opinion on the product.  I was provided no additional compensation in exchange for writing a positive review.**

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